Tales of the travels, trials and triumphs as we explore Australia in a converted bus
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A 18.5 meter Bus
"Home" is owned by Russell and Shenni Waldron
from Australia.
About Home
1977 Bedford Domino-Hedges bus, converted in 2004. Bought by current owners in 2011. Attached trailer completed in 2012 and carries TGB scooter and Subaru Brunby ute.
Engine still remains Bedford 500 engine.
Initially designed to sleep and carry 5, however one bunk bed with 8 drawers and 3 overhead cupboards have been removed and converted to computer office/music instuments space.
When purchased contained 72 drawers and cupboards, heaps of storage for all our belongings.
There is a 320lt main water tank, 80lt drinking water, 100ltr greywater tank and 20ltr cassette toilet with spare cassette.
The Electrics
4 Solar panels x 220 watts, feed 4 x 110ahr house batteries to drive 24v compressor fridge and one water pump. Remainder of home runs on 12v.
About Russell and Shenni Waldron
Russell and Shenni Waldron - Full Time Traveller
When people ask us where our home is?? We just point to the Bus and say Australia.
Full time nomads, with no fixed address, traveling for over 6 years.
However we are considering a base somewhere.
We have spent a lot of time volunteering/bartering in exchange for bus parking spots. Many farmers and large block owners are glad to let us park up for a while in return for light duties.
Favorite camps have been Ulverston Tas, Leyburn Qld and Travellers Rest Charlton Vic.