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We left the coast and the wonderful 14 Mile camp to head back inland to Cheela Plains Station. We have a few weeks work left here (if the builder ever turns up) before once again heading north. It is amazing how much it has cooled down here in the last few weeks - this is the time to be in this area!
Our new solar panels have arrived and are now producing power from the top of the motorhome. There is no way we will ever fit any more up there - we will just have to keep our usage in check and not buy any more electrical things!
The station has a back packer helping out here at the moment. Dominik is from Frankfurt and seems to be really enjoying digging up the Pilbara. He has moved more sand and rocks in the last few weeks that team of front-end-loaders. He has come over to the camp a couple of times for a beer and to demonstrate his "healthy" hubbly-bubbly machine.
We took a day off on Sunday and took a drive up the gorge on the station here. We met up with the roo shooters from Tom Price, Dom and Macka. They gave us a nice tender young roo that they had freshly shot. It will be Tracey's job to turn it into something that can be cooked in a camp oven - that will be interesting (given that the closest she has ever come to being a butcher was when she was working in the hospital theatre. )
The roo (see above for story and right for photo) was butchered and cooked and enjoyed by the entire camp. The meat was quite strong in flavour, but the cooking process left it tender and moist. Tivoli did not think much of it however - she refused to go anywhere near it when it was presented for her dinner. Her loss - the humans all thought it was very nice.
We have been sharing the camp at Cheela Plains with some guys from Onslow who are working on one of the nearby roads. Before they left, the grader operator, Dick (nick-named Einstein due to his wild white hair) let me have a drive of his grader. After a short lesson (where I learned what less than half of the levers in the cab do), I set off to grade one of the stations roads. Let me tell you - I now have much more respect for the guys who operate those things. It takes multi-tasking to a whole new level! Dick kindly fixed the road after I had finished practicing (but he did say that I did quite well for a first time - but oddly he did not want me to do any more).
Yesterday we finished all that we could do at Cheela Plains and so bid farewell to everyone at the station and once again headed for the coast. We are now slowly making our way north, the weather is just about right - no longer ridiculously hot. Our awning has once again broken - the ratchet end is completely destroyed (why would you manufacture parts like this from cast aluminium? This is the third time we have had to deal with this). We have ordered the parts we need and hope to meet up with them in Karratha in a few days.
We are both looking forward to relaxing a bit for the next few weeks - enough work for a month or two!
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