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Shouse progress!
Well the big news is that the shed kit has arrived (well most of it anyway).
When the truck arrived at the gate I was shocked to see how much gear occupied the tray. I am not sure what I was expecting - but it was certainly a MUCH bigger truck with a lot more stuff! Surly this can't be all of it - where is the rest of the trucks?
The driver assured me that this was all there was. Now I don't normally look at everything as a pile of money, but I really just can't see almost $30,000 sitting on the back of the truck. It took nearly 2 hours to unload (which says more about the care that the driver took in the unloading process rather than the amount of steel that was unloaded).
Once everything was off the truck we were given about six sheets of paper to sign to indicate that everything was present and correct. We were aware that Widespan give customers 3 days to check everything - but decided to try and audit the delivery anyway.
This turned out to much more difficult than it sounds - just try counting 150 sheets of colorbond cladding (that are cut to all differing lengths). We did determine that the personal access door was missing - and the driver said that he would look into that.
The following day we took great care unpacking, measuring and counting every single item. It turned out that in addition to the PA door we are missing a couple of sheets of steel, the tracks and gears for the roller doors and the windlocks (for the doors). I contacted Widespan and (the very helpful) Sue, was on the case. She called me back a few hours later to let me know that most of the missing bits were simply left at the depot in Bundaberg and that they would arrange delivery.
In just a few days (the 19th) our good friends from New Zealand, John and Glenda arrive to help with the assembly of the shed. As neither of us have any experience at this sort of thing, it might be a bit like the blind leading the partly sighted. One things for sure - it will be lots of fun. One issue we may face is that John and Glenda are from Auckland where the daytime temperatures rarely exceed 25 degC - Here at Mt Perry (when it stops raining) it is often in the range of 32 - 38 deg ... hmmm could be a problem ah?
I also just wanted to take the opportunity to welcome our latest advertiser on the site - eezybeds (www.eezybed.com.au) make specialised bedding products for caravans motorhomes and trucks. While I have not seen the products first hand, they look like a fantastic idea. Please check them out.
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